Monday, August 16, 2010

If you go down to the woods today...

... you probably won't find me! Not this week at least. You're more likely to find me shopping! Being a  teacher I tend to think of Autumn as the beginning of the year, and so it often feels like the time to start fresh. When I was younger that meant shiny school shoes and a snazzy new pencil case, (it still means both of those things actually!) but this year I'm thinking of re-vamping bits of the house as well, for a new start! I want to do up my bedroom, but of course there are a few things in there I'll always keep...
These are all parts of my room that I love. I probably have too many treasures really, and I realise this every time I move house, though it never stops me gathering pretty bits and bobs!

I really like this forest fairytale part of my room, though I know if it grows and takes up any more of the place it'll look way to cartoony and girly! Since dressing up as Snow White last year I've daydreamed about living in a cottage in the woods. I probably won't add any more woodland touches to my current house, but if I move to the forest here are a few things I'd definitely take with me!

(Incidentally, the Snow White and Rose Red print by meluseena was actually commissioned especially for lucky me! My sister Ruth knew I loved Lisa Falzon/meluseena's work and had it designed for me for my 30th birthday. How sweet! x)

Featured items:
Snow White and Rose Red Print by meluseena
Tiny Gnome Village by MoontsyandFloontsy
Poison Apple Button Bracelet by magpieandbutton
Tiny Ivy Leaf Necklace by SilkstoneDesigns
Little Red Riding Hood Print by elsita
Forest Mushrooms Silk Lined Clutch Bag by Bagnoir
White Tree Silhouette Pillow Cover by Modernality
Woodland Acorn Necklace by designbirdie

So... who wants to move in with me? ;)

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