Monday, October 25, 2010

A little project!

In my day job, I teach painting to teenagers, which can be difficult work at the best of times, and even more tricky when I'm having a particularly clumsy day! I had one such day very recently, when I spattered red paint down the front of one of my favourite tops. Argh! I spend so long telling the kids to be careful, I often forget to do so myself. So, as a result, I was left with a really tough stain that just wouldn't budge. It was acrylic paint, which is especially hard to get out of fabric.

I really didn't want to have to give up on wearing my stripey top, so I decided to cover up the stain instead of removing it, and with my favourite craft supplies: buttons! I have lots of black buttons that aren't suitable for jewellery making, so I gathered up a selection of pretty ones and laid them out in a pattern that would decorate the neckline and cover that stain. I sewed each one on very securely in its assigned place, and in just 30 minutes I had a very cute button embellished top, ready to wear again! Yay!

I'll definitely do something like this to some other things in my wardrobe, whether they have a stain or not it's a nice way to add an individual touch to any item of clothing! Do you have any ideas for personalising or decorating clothes? Or getting rid of paint stains? Let me know ;)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spring forward, Fall back

Next weekend, Daylight Savings ends in Europe, and we'll put our clocks back one hour. Time to get ready for darker evenings and really prepare for Winter! Here are some beautiful timepieces and clock inspired items from wonderful Etsy sellers...

Featured items:
Missing Time Clock by CyberMoon
Vintage Style Filigree Pocket Watch by lunashineshine
Angel of Time Earrings by miskay
Every Story... Quote Clock by mbartstudios
Kirie 02 Bamboo Clock by decoylab
Vintage Mechanical Alarm Clock by ClockworkUniverse

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Etsian serendipity

 I've sometimes met people who had previously been unknown to me aside from an "online" alias, whether it's being introduced to a friend of a friend I've already encountered on facebook, or meeting with up the talented members of the Etsy craftyirelandteam.

Very recently I've had the pleasure of meeting a fellow Etsian, Lisa Falzon, also known as Meluseena. Since I started my own Etsy shop in 2009, I have admired Meluseena's gorgeous art work, and had featured it in both my own and the craftyirelandteam blog. Earlier this year my sister Ruth secretly commissioned a special painting of "Snow White and Rose Red" by Meluseena for my 30th birthday, and I absolutely love it! It was the perfect present.

In the completely Etsy free side of my life, I joined Cork's roller derby league this month (the fabulous Rebel County Rollers), and on my first day of training I was introduced to Lisa, who I immediately recognised as Meluseena herself! How exciting! I am delighted to make a real life link with yet another Etsy artist, and especially glad that Lisa is just such a lovely person to know :) She even brought me a little present at training on Sunday, which is a beautiful pendant printed with the Snow White and Rose Red picture. How thoughtful!

So, I just want to say a big thank you to Lisa/Meluseena for the gift, and also invite you all to take a look at her amazing Etsy shop. Here are some gorgeous examples of original work by this talented artist.

The Peckish Moon large print
Queen Elizabeth cuff bracelet
Ann Boleyn pocket art mirror
Jumpin Jack Me lustre print